Dr Daniel Fascia
Consultant MSK Radiologist
Dr Fascia graduated from Edinburgh University College of Medicine in 2004 with degrees in Medicine and Medical Microbiology.
He initially undertook basic surgical training in Edinburgh and London hospitals and gained membership of The Royal College of Surgeons of England in London with a specialist interest in Orthopaedics.
Dr Fascia then trained as a radiologist at Imperial College and other London specialist hospitals and achieved Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists. He undertook sub-specialist training in Interventional and Musculoskeletal radiology at Imperial College Hospitals and spent one-year as a senior Musculoskeletal & Sports Fellow in Perth, Western Australia under the guidance of Drs Nick Wambeek and Eamon Koh.
In Autumn 2014, Dr Fascia was appointed Consultant MSK Radiologist at Harrogate Hospital and became a partner in Yorkshire Radiology. He specialises in all aspects of diagnostic and interventional musculoskeletal, rheumatological and sports radiology.