Ankle and foot ultrasound guided injections - The Ultrasound Site

Ultrasound guided foot and ankle injections

There are numerous injection techniques that can be performed around the many bony articulations and tendinous structures of the foot and ankle region. Here we focus on some of the more common procedures. The information on this page is offered as educational guidance. We hope to add to the content over the next few months.

Ultrasound guided ankle injection – lateral gutter approach

This lateral approach allows a superficial injection with a shallow needle entry, allowing excellent needle tip visualisation.  The use of ultrasound enables the clinician to choose a route of access, avoiding bony projections that commonly occur with degenerative joints. Ultrasound also facilitates the opportunity to access pockets of effusion, ensuring intracapsular injection but significantly improving patient comfort.


1st MTPJ ultrasound guided injection

This technique is similar in its approach to the ‘landmark’ guided approach, but enables greater flexibility and accuracy. The use of ultrasound enables the clinician to choose a route of access, avoiding bony projections that commonly occur with degenerative joints. Ultrasound also facilitates the opportunity to access pockets of effusion, ensuring intracapsular injection but significantly improving patient comfort.


Ultrasound guided injection of mortons neuroma/bursitis complex

This is a commonly requested technique and diagnostic intervention in Radiology settings. The diagnostic investigation can be challenging. Once a neuroma and the often present bursal collection are identified, this technique can be effective at reducing symptoms.