Ultrasound guided shoulder injections
Ultrasound guided shoulder injections are some of the most popular procedures referred for and performed. Ultrasound guided shoulder injections are often best performed as part of a comprehensive package of treatment including other approaches. They do however have a role to play for some patients , and some conditions, and we have therefore outlined some of the key techniques which we utilise in our practice. We elaborate on these approaches on our training courses, and through discussions on our social media channels.
Subacromial subdeltoid bursa injection – transverse approach
This technique is similar in its approach to the ‘landmark’ guided approach, but more anterior and not deep to the Acromion process. It is a technique that allows good needle visualisation from the start, and is often comfortable for the patient. If the patient is able to extend the shoulder slightly, it facilitates the humeral head and the greater tuberosity forwards leading to more of the humeral head being exposed, and more of the bursa being visible. Always try and target an area where the bursa is slightly distended to make things easier.

Free access guided injection articles relating to the subacromial subdeltoid bursa.
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Acromioclavicular joint injection

Free access guided injection articles relating to the acromioclavicular joint
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Glenohumeral joint injection – posterior medial to lateral approach

Glenohumeral joint injection – anterolateral approach

Free access guided injection articles relating to the glenohumeral joint
Articles chosen due to availability in free, full text format on-line.